Step Counselling

Counselling for adults and young people 16+
Counselling for adults and young people 16+

Walk and Talk Therapy

What is it?

Walk and Talk Therapy is exactly what you may imagine it is – counselling sessions that take place outdoors, often whilst walking. That said, some clients prefer to meet outdoors and just sit together. Quite simply, we meet outside and explore what is going on in the inside. We will choose our route together, taking into account considerations such as your physical health, the location of the walk and confidentiality.

There are many benefits to this type of therapy. Being more physically active can help change the functioning of both your body and mind, which can help let go of stress, release endorphins (natural mood booster and pain relievers) into your body, but importantly, may encourage new perspectives, new ideas and new ways of thinking. Even though the main aim of our sessions together would not be to increase your fitness levels, it may also benefit you on a physical level in similar ways to all exercise.

The mental health charity MIND carried out extensive research around the connections between walking outside and mental health. Survey results showed that walking in the countryside may make a significant difference to levels of depression and anxiety; 71% of respondants said that they were less tense and felt a decrease in depression after a ‘green’ walk and a staggering 90% felt their self-esteem increase after a country walk – statistics which I found quite incredible at the beginning of my Walk and Talk practice. Two years in, I am less surprised by these figures; clients tell me that they appreciate the mutual partnership of walking and talking during sessions. They are able to pick their own pace and I simply fall in alongside them. We move forwards together, taking advantage of our exposure to natural daylight, working through whatever they choose, with the freedom of being outside a traditional counselling room. Clients have shared with me that walking and talking has helped them with the processing of big emotions and situations, such as feeling stuck, overwhelmed or trapped. I may link our work to the pace that we are moving at, as it can sometimes give us an insight into what may be going on for you.

Could I give it a try?

Absolutely. Many clients do a combination of both Walk and Talk sessions and Zoom or telephone counselling with me. There may be several reasons for this, ranging from practical convenience and fitting in sessions around other commitments, right through to wanting to be in the comfort of their own home whilst exploring issues which they are not yet ready to share outdoors – I always work with clients to find out what might suit them best at their particular stage in counselling.

Counselling aside, I never underestimate how helpful it can be just being outside in the fresh air – this can be a therapeutic experience all on its own.

If you are feeling trapped in life, walking and talking may feel liberating and offer you a sense of freedom while working through your difficulties. Please contact me if you would like to ask any questions about this aspect of my practice and know that you can give it a try, with the option to meet on Zoom or on the telephone at any time.

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